all the site updates will be placed here!

16-9-2024 : dynamic calender added to main page (credits to Asif Mughal for the calender code!)

16-9-2024 : added the cool sites page

14-9-2024 : got the confirmation email and im now editing my css and html on there

11-9-2024 : added status cafe thingy on main page but gotta wait for confirmation email now

6-9-2024 : updated webrings page to include first webring

5-9-2024 : updated webrings page to look cooler but still no webrings

5-9-2024 : HIT 10K VIEWS!!! (2:20 am)

5-9-2024 : made the webring page but with no webrings added to it

4-9-2024 : redid this page

4-9-2024 : fixed the color guide on the pages it is usefull for

3-9-2024 : added the color guide to the "favourite art" page (also trying to fix the div from moving around when zooming in and out but ill do later)

25-8-2024 : added mini decoration pictures on the main and the about me page

24-8-2024 : this page is finally created

23-8-2024 : added the comic page but with no comics

23-8-2024 : added the comic page button on the art page

23-8-2024 : fixed my site from moving containers around and not being identical on mobile divices

20-8-2024 : site e-mail added to main page

13-7-2024 : the image of the week container is added to main site

13-7-2024 : the comments box is added and used for me to write down site updates

6-7-2024 : site is updated and the friends page is added

1-7-2024 : site is updated and the art page is added

18-6-2024 : site is updated and the about me page is added

4-3-2023 : site is updated and the links container is added on the main page

20-5-2023 : site is updated and the main page is added

15-11-2022 : site is created and isnt updated for almost 6 months