cool sites to check out if ur bored!

drawing sites
1. a .io site where you can draw digitally on a huge whiteboard with people all over the globe. site has no adds and is funded by donations from fans and users.
2. another drawing .io site but instead of being a giant whiteboard its a guessing game that you can play with people all over the world. you can join a random public drawing game or a private one with a room code. fun to play with friends. just choose a avatar and name to begin guessing the words.
3. quick, draw! a fast doodle drawing game. you get 6 prompts that you have to quicky doodle, each getting 20 seconds. the fun part is that all the little doodles are added to train a neural network to recognize what people are trying to doodle in just a few lines. this site does NOT create/generate ai art. the ai is only used to train the neural network to recognize simularities in the doodles made so they can guess faster, which is part of the game. the site is pretty old and all the doodles are added togther into one big doodle data set. the site is so cute because you can see how millions of people over the world draw a teddy bear and how in the end humans deep down have something in common.
creative sites
1. picmix a site similar to blingee. you dont need a account to start making them and its completely free because of the use of site adds. really easy to make them due to the use of layers. you can use filters, text, masks, animations and shadows. like blingee, you get a watermark on the lower right. they also have a really cool font making site.
live sites
1. explore livecams the site that hosts a plethra of animal live streams. ranging from animal rescue centers to the depths of the ocean and even high up in the trees. this is a great way for foster animals who need a loving home to get exposure and a possible caretaker trough these livestreams. but its also relaxing to put these on in the background and listen to nature doing its thing.
2. bigtexan 72-ounce steak challenge. The Big Texan, a steakhouse in Amarillo Texas, will give contestants their meal for free if they finsh its shrimp cocktail, baked potato, salad, roll, and 72 oz steak in under a hour. there are currently over 10.000 steak champions which all wrote a comment on the hall of fame, ranging from 1960 to the present which is fun to look trough.